Saturday, October 18, 2014

The Way the World Operates...

There are certain kinds of people in this world.  People that plan everything before it happens (Well-Planned Life) and those who just ride the rollercoaster to see what may be thrown at them (Summoned Life).  The Well-Planned Life to me sounds  boring, like something those weird Type A people cling to in their lives.  Something that won't ever change, and they are okay with that but that doesn't appeal to me.  Where are the Summoned Life tends to make things exciting,  it exposes you to the elements leaving you bare and waiting fo the next adreanline rush to have you end this high.  It's all by random, never knowing what exactly is behind each door they face.  But the memories that follow each decision is what is key to being happy with which ever one you follow.

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